Evaluasi Mutu Fisik Bibit Eukaliptus (Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell) di Persemaian BPDAS Citarum-Ciliwung, Rumpin, Jawa Barat

  • Arum Sekar Wulandari Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry and Environment - IPB University
  • Cahyo Wibowo Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry and Environment - IPB University
  • Nadira Aribah Fauziah Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry and Environment - IPB University


The success of planting in the field is influenced by the quality of the seeds used. The aim of this research is to evaluate the physical quality of eucalyptus seeds produced by the BPDAS Citarum-Ciliwung Nursery Center based on SNI 8420:2018. The quality assessment of eucalyptus seeds is carried out based on the requirements stated in SNI 8420:2018. The results of the evaluation of the physical quality of eucalyptus seedlings at the BPDAS Citarum-Ciliwung Nursery Center show that eucalyptus seedlings have passed the general requirements test for the origin of normal seeds and seedlings (woody stem criteria); and pass the test for special requirements. Eucalyptus seedlings did not pass the general requirements for normal seedlings for the criteria of straight stems and healthy seedlings. Eucalyptus seeds that do not pass the test can be retested after the seeds have been selected or the quality of the seeds has been improved. Improving the quality of seeds can be done by carrying out routine thinning activities in the nursery.

Keywords: general requirements, Indonesian National Standard 8420:2018, origins of seeds, normal seeds, special requirements


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