Struktur dan Komposisi Jenis Tegakan Shorea pinanga di KHDTK Haurbentes, Bogor

  • Putri Azli Lubis Alumni of the Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry and Environment - IPB University
  • Prijanto Pamoengkas Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry and Environment - IPB University
  • Darwo Darwo National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia


The plantation forest of Shorea pinanga, established outside its native habitat in KHDTK Haurbentes, Bogor since 1940, serves as the focal point of this research. The study aims to analyze the natural regeneration process within the stands of S. pinanga and assess the structural development of the forest in the area. Vegetation analysis was employed across five research plots (plots 11, 12, 68, 72, and 100), each with two observation plots. The findings reveal that the mature Shorea pinanga plantation has formed a stand structure resembling a natural forest, exhibiting an inverted "J-shaped" growth pattern. Natural regeneration of S. pinanga was observed in all research plots, with similarities in S. pinanga species identified in both seedling and tree stages in Plots 11, 68, and 72. These results are anticipated to provide valuable insights into the natural regeneration of the mature Shorea pinanga plantation, contributing to sustainable forest management goals.

Keywords: Natural regeneration, plantation forest, Shorea pinanga, stand structure


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