Pengaruh Curah Hujan Terhadap Kejadian Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan di Kabupaten Banyuasin Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

  • Agysta Zaskia Program Studi Silvikultur Tropika Departemen Silvikultur Fakultas Kehutanan dan lingkungan IPB University
  • Bambang Hero Saharjo Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry and Environment - IPB University
  • Israr Albar Direktorat Pengendalian Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan, Direktorat Jenderal Pengendalian Perubahan Iklim Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Republik Indonesia


Banyuasin Regency is identified as one of the regions in Indonesia facing a high risk of forest and land fires, with incidents occurring annually. Historical records highlight the most extensive occurrences in 2015 and 2019. Rainfall stands out as a climatic factor capable of influencing the prevalence of these fires. This study aims to analyze the correlation between rainfall patterns and fire incidents in Banyuasin Regency from 2018 to 2020. Utilizing data on hotspots, rainfall, and the extent of forest and land fire incidents, the research employs statistical tests through correlation analysis. The findings reveal a positive correlation between the extent of forest fires and the number of hotspots, as well as a negative correlation between rainfall and hotspots. The year 2019 witnessed the highest number of hotspots, attributed to the El-Nino phenomenon.

Keywords: el-nino, forest and land fire, hotspot, rainfall


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