Laju Dekomposisi Serasah Daun Shorea guiso di Hutan Penelitian Dramaga, Bogor, Jawa Barat
Litter decomposition is a process of decomposing litter which is an important component of the nutrient cycle process because it can make a major contribution to soil fertility. The purpose of this study was to measure the decomposition rate of Shorea guiso leaf litter and soil organic matter content in the decomposition process of Shorea guiso leaf litter in the Dramaga Research Forest, Bogor, West Java. Decomposition of Shorea guiso leaf litter is carried out using a liiter bag measuring 30 cm x 40 cm. Each litter-bag contained 100 g of dry weight of Shorea guiso litter. The litterbag was then tied to a bamboo stake and placed under the Shorea guiso stand. The results of this study for 12 weeks showed that the average of leaf litter decomposition rate of Shorea guiso at the 1 week of observation was 0,003 and continued to increase until the 12 week of 0,2. The average weekly rate of decomposition of Shorea guiso leaf litter was 0,075 which grew on soils with moderate BOT content (3,87%).
Keywords: Dramaga research forest, litter decomposition rate, Shorea guiso
Copyright (c) 2021 Cecep Kusmana, Retno Ayu Yentiana

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.