PERAN CURAH HUJAN TERHADAP PENURUNAN HOTSPOT KEBAKARAN HUTAN DAN LAHAN DI EMPAT PROVINSI DI INDONESIA PADA TAHUN 2015-2016 The Role of Rainfall Towards Forest and Land Fires Hotspot Reduction in Four Districs in Indonesia on 2015-2016
Forest and land fires are not a new phenomenon for some areas in Indonesia, such as Kalimantan and
Sumatra. Riau, South Sumatra, West Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan are among provinces that have
been suffered from severe forest and land fires every year. One of the natural factors affecting forest and
land fires occurrences in Indonesia is climate. This study analyzes the relationship between hotspots and
rainfall in Indonesia on 2015-2016. The results show that a large number of hotspots is found in the dry
season when the rainfall was less, i.e., on July - October 2015 and July - August 2016. Statistically, monthly
rainfall and monthly hotspots has a negative correlation (-) with R2 = 42.5% and P-value = 0.001. The
equation built is y = 3182 - 2.50x, where y denotes hotspots and x for rainfall.
Key words: forest and land fires, hotspot, rainfall