The skipjack is one of important fishery commodities in Gulf of Bone waters, exploited by fishermen through the year using kinds of fishing gears such as pole and line, purse seine, traditional seine net, hand line, and predicted that some of these technologies were not sustainable. The objective of research was to analysis sustanaibility or environmental friendly of fishing technology of skipjack in Gulf of Bone waters, and has been done for six months, from January to June, 2017. Biology data of catch, fishing technic, and social economic of fishing unit of pole and line, purse seine, traditional seine net and hand line was collected directely by survey method. The sustainability or environmental friendly of fishing technologies be analyzed using 14 biology, technic, economic and social (Arimoto modified by Mallawa). Result that pole and line reach 76.88 % of sustainability value, pole and line operated in FAD 51.50 %, purse seine 51.25 %, purse seine with FAD 48.75 %, traditional seine net 48.13 $ and hand line 68.18 %. Low sustainability of fishing technologies caused by small size dominantly in catch, percentage of catch suitable length, investment, income, number of labour dan fuell used, and protected organism in catch.
Keywords: Sustainability, fishing technology, Skipjack
Ikan cakalang merupakan komoditas perikanan penting di perairan Teluk Bone. Ikan cakalang merupakan salah satu ikan target yang dieksploitasi nelayan sepanjang tahun menggunakan berbagai jenis teknologi penangkapan ikan seperti huhate (pole and line), pukat cincin (purse seine), payang (traditional seine net), pancing tangan (hand line) dan diduga ada diantara teknologi tersebut tidak berkelanjutan. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis keberlanjutan/keramahan lingkungan teknologi penangkapan ikan cakalang di perairan Teluk Bone, selama enam bulan (Januari - Juni 2017). Data biologi hasil tangkapan, teknis alat tangkap dan sosial ekonomi usaha penangkapan huhate, pukat cincin, payang, dan pancing tangan dikumpulkan secara langsung menggunakan metode survei. Keberlanjutan/keramahan lingkungan teknologi penangkapan ikan dianalisis menggunakan 14 kriteria sesuai metode Arimoto modifikasi Mallawa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa huhate rumpon mencapai nilai keberlanjutan 57,50 %, huhate tanpa rumpon 76,88 %, pukat cincin 51,25 %, pukat cincin rumpon 48,75 %, payang 48,13 % dan pancing tangan 68,13 %. Rendahnya tingkat keberlanjutan teknologi penangkapan disebabkan oleh dominannya ikan ukuran kecil dan rendahnya ikan ukuran layak tangkap, nilai investasi, tingkat pendapatan, penggunaan tenaga kerja dan BBM dan tertangkapnya biota laut yang dilindungi.
Kata kunci: Keberlanjutan, teknologi penangkapan, ikan cakalang.
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