PERBAIKAN KONSTRUKSI BUBU ELVER SKALA LABORATORIUM (Correction of Elver Trap Contruction in Laboratory Scale)
PVC trap is used by fisherman in Java Island, southern waters to capture elver, or juvenile
eels measuring < 10 gr. The problems are that trap catches too less and elver in injured condition,
while buyers need a lot of good elvers for cultivating. This study tried to fix a trap construction so
that function more effective and doesn’t hurt elver. All experiments were conducted in the Fishing
Gear Laboratory, Bogor Agricultural University. Three sections of traps were examined were the
rear cover of trap construction, entrance of trap construction and application two doors of traps.
Furthermore, new traps made by three criteria were obtained. The entire test was conducted in the
experimental tank containing between 30-100 elvers. The test was done as much as 20-25 times
with 20 minutes soaking time. The results showed that more elvers enter the trap which does not
seal, the entrance was made from nets and had two doors of the trap. The construction trap based
on three criteria was more effective which could trap 355 elvers or 6.12 times more than the
fisherman’s trap (58 elvers).
Key words: elver, PVC traps, ijep, Java Island, laboratory
Bubu paralon digunakan oleh nelayan di perairan selatan Pulau Jawa untuk menangkap
juvenil sidat (elver) berukuran < 10 g. Permasalahannya, jumlah tangkapan bubu tersebut sangat
sedikit dan elver yang tertangkap sering dalam kondisi terluka, padahal pembeli membutuhkan
sangat banyak elver yang sehat untuk dibudidayakan. Penelitian ini mencoba memperbaiki
konstruksi bubu agar lebih efektif dan tidak melukai elver. Seluruh penelitian dilaksanakan di
Laboratorium Bahan dan Alat Penangkap Ikan, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Tiga bagian bubu yang
diteliti adalah konstruksi tutupan bagian belakang bubu, konstruksi pintu masuk bubu dan
penggunaan dua pintu. Selanjutnya, bubu dibuat berdasarkan ketiga kriteria yang didapatkan.
Seluruh pengujian dilakukan di dalam tangki percobaan yang berisi antara 30-100 elver. Pengujian
dilakukan sebanyak 20–25 ulangan dengan lama perendaman 20 menit. Hasilnya menunjukkan
bahwa elver lebih banyak masuk ke dalam bubu yang tidak tertutup rapat, pintu masuk terbuat dari
jaring dan memiliki 2 pintu. Konstruksi bubu yang dibuat berdasarkan tiga kriteria tersebut dapat
memerangkap 355 elver, atau 6,12 kali lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan bubu nelayan (58
Kata kunci: elver, bubu paralon, ijep, Pulau Jawa, laboratorium
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