DISTRIBUSI DAN KARAKTERISTIK NELAYAN ANDON ASAL KABUPATEN/KOTA DI SULAWESI SELATAN (Distribution and Characteristics of Temporary Fishermen (Andon) From District/City in South Sulawesi)
Temporary fishermen (andon) do their catching activity outside his home area to increase production and productivity of their catch. This study aims to determine the distribution and characteristics of temporary fishermen (andon) from district / city in South Sulawesi. The data collected consisted of primary and secondary data. Temporary fishermen (andon) are fishermen fishing outside his home region, either temporary or fixed within a certain time, then returned to their home areas. Temporary fishermen (andon) consists of two types, namely not settled and not fixed. Consideration fishermen do andon due to the decreased of availability of fish in their home area, and the factor of the fishing season. The Andon Fisherman provides employment opportunities for local fishermen, increase revenue for the local region, increase fish production of the region. Andon fisherman spend their money more so that it can stimulate the economy of local communities.
Key words: andon fisherman, characteristics, distribution, local fishermen
Nelayan andon melakukan aktifitas penangkapan diluar daerah asalnya untuk meningkatkan produksi dan produktifitas hasil tangkapannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui distribusi dan karakteristik nelayan andon asal kabupaten/kota di Sulawesi Selatan. Data yang dikumpulkan terdiri dari data primer dan sekunder. Nelayan andon adalah nelayan yang melakukan penangkapan ikan diluar daerah asalnya baik secara tetap maupun tidak dalam kurung waktu tertentu, lalu kembali daerah asalnya. Nelayan andon terdiri dari dua jenis yakni nelayan andon tidak menetap dan nelayan andon tidak tetap. Pertimbangan nelayan melakukan andon karena ketersediaan ikan di daerah asalnya
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