Social, Economic, Cultural Resilience, and Discipline Role of the North Sumatera Province Government in the COVID-19 Management

Fatmah Fatmah, Fatma Lestari, Herlina J EL-Matury


One of the efforts of tackling COVID-19 is through the social, economic, and cultural resilience approach and the discipline of the Government of North Sumatera Province. This study aimed to explore the experience of the North Sumatra Province in tackling the COVID-19 from the aspect of social, economic, and cultural resilience and the firmness of the government in coordinating with various parties in the management COVID-19. The qualitative study conducted an in-depth interview with the BPBD and Provincial Health Office of North Sumatera Province. The study showed that North Sumatera had developed the regional potential to improve the economy and small medium enterprises during pandemic. Several activities such as a budget allocation for labor-intensive business and industrial programs, strengthening the real sector and small medium enterprises, and developing Budikdamber program and Kampung Paten to strengthen food security, support economic growth, and reduce inflation. Discipline and firmness in coordination between parties such as inter-provincial border closure; assistance in social and health sector; control and enforcement of discipline on health protocols; socialization, simulation, and education on COVID-19. Synergy to build strength together to carry out health protocols and the spirit in revitalizing the local economy determine the success of North Sumatera Province in managing COVID-19.



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Fatmah Fatmah (Primary Contact)
Fatma Lestari
Herlina J EL-Matury
FatmahF., LestariF. and EL-MaturyH. J. (2022) “Social, Economic, Cultural Resilience, and Discipline Role of the North Sumatera Province Government in the COVID-19 Management ”, Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management). Bogor, ID, 12(2), pp. 330-334. doi: 10.29244/jpsl.12.2.330-334.

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