Production and Characterization Chitosan Nano from Black Tiger Shrimpwith Ionic Gelation Methods

Laode Muhamad Hazairin Nadia, Pipih - Suptijah, Bustami - Ibrahim


Black tiger shrimp shell (Penaeus monodon) has a potential as raw materials in the manufacturing process of nano-chitosan that contains chitin. The purposes of this study is to formed nano-chitosan through ionic gelation process and size reduction by magnetic stirrer and determine the characteristic of nano-chitosan based on morphology and size of nanoparticles. Nano-chitosan were formed by ionic gelation method, which is polyelectrolite complexation between the positively charged chitosan and negative charged tripolyphosphate. Yield of chitosan from Black Tiger Shrimp shell are 19,08%, while the yield of nano-chitosan by size reduction treatment using a magnetic stirrer is 80,67%. Value of the deacetylation degree from chitosan which is used to formed nano-chitosan is equal to 98,65%, it indicates the chitosan which is produced is a native chitosan. Nano-chitosan have an average size of 228.74 nm, fairly uniform, relatively stable and has a sphere like particle shape. Particle size reduction with magnetic stirrer, can distribute more homogeneous particle size. Added tripolyphosphate (TPP) and surfactants (Tween 80) can enhance the mechanical properties of chitosan that are naturally fragile and enhanced formation if ionic crosslinking between chitosan molecules.


Laode Muhamad Hazairin Nadia (Primary Contact)
Pipih - Suptijah
Bustami - Ibrahim
NadiaL. M. H., SuptijahP.-, & IbrahimB.-. (2014). Production and Characterization Chitosan Nano from Black Tiger Shrimpwith Ionic Gelation Methods. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 17(2).

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