Financial Analysis of Surimi Processing by Modern and Semi-Modern Scale

Nazori Djazuli, Mita Wahyuni, Daniel Monintja, Ari Purbayanto


Development of surimi processing in the industry regions which have huge potential of raw
material, can be done through aiming at the business feasibility existed either by modern surimi processing
business as weel as semi modern. In general, theaim of this research is to analyze the feasibility business of
surimi processing either by modern surimi processing business or semi modern. Sampling of surimi
processing business for modern surimi processing was located in Pekalongan, Central Java Province and
semi modern surimi processing was located in Pulau Moro, Riau Island Province. Data collection was done
by questionnaire and interview to stakeholders of surimi processing industry. Method of analysis was
carried out by using criteria of financial feasibility i.e. Payback Period (PB), Net Present Value (NPV),
Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Profitable Index (PI), Net B/C, and Break Event Point (BEP). Result of
research showed that surimi processing business either by modern surimi processing business or semi
modern is feasible shown from (1) Value of NPV for PT. A is Rp.22,647,400,670 and PT.B is
Rp.29,866,797,485 for 10 years, (2) Value of IRR at surimi business in PT.A is 49.28% and PT.B is
56.11%, (3) PT. A needs 2 years 1 month and 6 days to return the investment that has been invested in
surimi processing, meanwhile PT.B needs 1 year 10 months and 6 days, (4) Value of profitability index
PT.A is 2.43 and PT.B is 2.78, and (5) figure of Net B/C Ratio PT.A is 1.89, and PT.B has figure of Net
B/C Ratio 1.58.
Keywords : financial feasibility, surimi product


Nazori Djazuli (Primary Contact)
Mita Wahyuni
Daniel Monintja
Ari Purbayanto
DjazuliN., WahyuniM., MonintjaD., & PurbayantoA. (2010). Financial Analysis of Surimi Processing by Modern and Semi-Modern Scale. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 12(2).

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