Karakteristik fisikokimia fish cake goreng berbahan dasar ikan nila hitam (Oreochromis niloticus) dan lele (Clarias sp.) Physicochemical characteristics of fried fish cakes made from black nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and catfish (Clarias sp.)
Fish cake is a processed product made from fresh fish meat or surimi, which is included in the type of fish jelly product. This study aims to determine the best formulation of fried fish cake made from black Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and catfish (Clarias sp.) with tapioca as the filler based on gel strength and texture profile. Fried fish cakes consist of five treatments of fish meat and tapioca ratios: 100:0, 95:5, 90:10, 85:15, and 80:20. The parameters analyzed include proximate composition, whiteness, gel strength, and texture profile. The results indicated that fried fish cake made from black Nile tilapia had higher protein content and whiteness, but fried catfish fish cake had higher fat, ash, carbohydrate, gel strength, and hardness. were very similar.s, springiness, and adhesiveness of both types of fish cakes had almost similar values. Fried black fish cake of black Nile tilapia has protein and fat (in dry weight) of 33.90-62.60% and 1.00-3.01%, respectively, while fried fish cake of catfish has protein and fat (in dry weight) of 30.28-55.59% and 2.40-8.32%, respectively. The gel strength of fried fish cake increased with decreasing fish meat concentration and increasing tapioca concentration. The formulation of fried fish cake in black Nile tilapia and catfish with a fish meat and tapioca ratio of 80:20 is the best treatment based on gel strength and texture profile. In general, black Nile tilapia and catfish, which are types of freshwater fish, have the potential to be developed into basic ingredients in making fish cake products.
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