Parameter kemunduran mutu sebagai indikator pembeda asal formaldehida pada ikan opah selama penyimpanan suhu chilling Quality deterioration parameters as a differentiating indicator of formaldehyde origin in moonfish during chilling temperature storage

Annisaa Nurul Fikriyah, Nurjanah Nurjanah, Tati Nurhayati, Gian Primahana, Giri Rohmad Barokah


Moonfish (Lampris guttatus) is a marine fish that contains relatively high levels of natural formaldehyde. This has become a major obstacle, owing to the detection of both naturally occurring formaldehyde and the addition of artificial formaldehyde. Decomposition in fish can lead to the natural formation of formaldehyde through enzymatic reduction of trimethylamine oxide (TMAO), resulting in the formation of byproducts such as formaldehyde and dimethylamine. (DMA). This study aimed to determine the distinguishing indicators between natural and artificial formaldehyde based on quality deterioration parameters in opah fish during 14 days of cold storage. This study used a completely randomized factorial design with treatments of adding formaldehyde concentrations of 0, 2, and 4% and a storage time of 14 days. The observed parameters were the pH, total volatile base (TVB), formaldehyde (FA), and dimethylamine (DMA). The results indicate that the formaldehyde concentration of 0% has a significantly different value than the other concentrations. Formaldehyde (FA) is a strong indicator to differentiate the source of formaldehyde levels in fish. Another parameter, pH, TVB, and DMA, cannot be used as a single indicator, but the combination of the four quality deterioration parameters can serve as a strong distinguishing indicator of formaldehyde origin in Moonfish.


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Annisaa Nurul Fikriyah (Primary Contact)
Nurjanah Nurjanah
Tati Nurhayati
Gian Primahana
Giri Rohmad Barokah
Fikriyah A. N., Nurjanah N., Nurhayati T., Primahana G., & Barokah G. R. (2024). Parameter kemunduran mutu sebagai indikator pembeda asal formaldehida pada ikan opah selama penyimpanan suhu chilling: Quality deterioration parameters as a differentiating indicator of formaldehyde origin in moonfish during chilling temperature storage. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 27(10), 932-943.

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