Efektivitas metode kristalisasi suhu rendah dan urea dalam pembuatan konsentrat omega-3 ikan tuna (Thunnus sp.) Effectiveness of low temperature crystallization and urea methods in manufacturing omega-3 concentrate from tuna (Thunnus sp.)

Sugeng Heri Suseno, Wahyu Ramadhan, Ida Ayu Iska Rakhmawati, Aulia Shofia Rahmatu Marhamah, Hafshah Aqidatun Salimah


The demand for fish oil in Indonesia has increased; however, its production has not yet been met. Fish oil circulating in the market is still in the form of pure fish oil, which is not good for health because it contains high levels of saturated fatty acids. Therefore, fish oil has the potential to be developed into an omega-3 concentrate by removing components other than omega-3 that are not beneficial for health. The method of developing fish oil products in the form of omega-3 concentrates using low-temperature and urea crystallization methods is still not optimal. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the low-temperature crystallization and urea crystallization methods using the iodine number parameter and the increase in total omega-3 fatty acids in the production of tuna fish omega-3 concentrate. The urea crystallization method produces a better-quality omega-3 concentrate compared to the low-temperature crystallization method. The urea crystallization method with a 2:1 ratio can increase the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids in the omega-3 concentrate by 25.17:1. Testing with the urea crystallization method at a 2:1 ratio has an iodine number of 495.89±70.45% and an increase in total omega-3 fatty acids of 316.34%, equivalent to 4.16 times higher than crude oil.


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Sugeng Heri Suseno
Wahyu Ramadhan
Ida Ayu Iska Rakhmawati
idaayuiskarakhmawati@apps.ipb.ac.id (Primary Contact)
Aulia Shofia Rahmatu Marhamah
Hafshah Aqidatun Salimah
Suseno S. H., Ramadhan W., Rakhmawati I. A. I., Marhamah A. S. R., & Salimah H. A. (2024). Efektivitas metode kristalisasi suhu rendah dan urea dalam pembuatan konsentrat omega-3 ikan tuna (Thunnus sp.): Effectiveness of low temperature crystallization and urea methods in manufacturing omega-3 concentrate from tuna (Thunnus sp.). Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 27(10), 975-989. https://doi.org/10.17844/jphpi.v27i10.56007

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