A literature review of allergen properties in fish collagen and its derivative products Kajian pustaka sifat alergen pada kolagen ikan dan produk turunannya

Bernadeta Soedarini, Esther Octavia


Fish are generally categorized as allergens that cause reactions mediated by Immunoglobulin E (IgE). Fish collagen is one of the causes of allergic reactions, ranging from mild symptoms such as nausea and itching to severe symptoms such as anaphylaxis across all ages. Previous research has not specifically or comprehensively explained the characteristics of fish collagen and its derivatives as allergens. This study aims to address this gap by explaining the properties, contributing factors, and potential hazards of fish collagen and its derivatives as allergens. This research employed a literature review summarizing several main studies to produce comprehensive findings. The structure of collagen, contaminant allergens, and fish type can affect the allergenicity of fish collagen. Processing methods, such as heating, acid or enzyme treatment, and washing, can determine allergenicity. The structure of fish collagen can change upon heating, but its allergenicity cannot be reduced. Fish collagen is also known to have good resistance to enzymes; therefore, it can easily bind to immune cells. Another factor was age, in which adults had a greater frequency of IgE binding to fish collagen than did children and adolescents. They were included as potential allergens based on research results and existing data regarding allergy cases and their potential hazards. Therefore, there is a need for further research on allergies to fish collagen and its derivatives, especially in countries that do not require the inclusion of allergens where food safety matters.


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Bernadeta Soedarini
Esther Octavia
estheroctavia01@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Soedarini B., & Octavia E. (2024). A literature review of allergen properties in fish collagen and its derivative products: Kajian pustaka sifat alergen pada kolagen ikan dan produk turunannya. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 27(8), 719-739. https://doi.org/10.17844/jphpi.v27i8.49736

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