Penambahan tinta cumi-cumi (Loligo sp.) untuk memperbaiki karakteristik cuko pempek instan Addition of squid (Loligo sp.) ink to improve instant cuko pempek characteristics
Cuko pempek is a traditional sauce originating from Palembang, characterized by its combination of sour, sweet, and spicy flavors.Cuko pempek can be prepared in an instant powdered form to offer a more extended shelf life, convenience, and ease of distribution. The objective of this study was to determine the optimal method for incorporating squid ink into instant cuko pempek in terms of chemical, physical, and sensory properties. An instant cuko pempek was prepared by incorporating squid ink at concentrations of 0%, 3%, 5%, and 7% (v/v). The instant cuko pempek was subjected to a drying process using the foam-mat drying method, which utilized 30% egg white and 10% maltodextrin. The drying process was performed at 60 °C for 4–8 h. The examination of the parameters assessed glutamic acid content, water content, protein content, color, solubility, and hedonic testing. According to the findings of this study, the incorporation of squid ink significantly affected (p<0.05) the attributes of instant cuko pempek, including glutamic acid content, water content, protein content, color, flavor, and taste, as evaluated through hedonic testing. The most effective formulation for instant cuko pempek was found to be the addition of 7% squid ink, with a glutamic acid content of 3.55±0.01%, water content of 3.89±0.20%, protein content of 11.78±0.19% (wb), lightness (L*) of 55.26±0.37, redness (a*) of -3.43±0.09, yellowness (b*) of 11.44±0.17, solubility of 86.11±2.92%, and average hedonic score of 3.10±0.29 on a scale of 4.00.
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