Karakteristik body scrub kombinasi rumput laut hijau dan serbuk kunyit Characteristics of body scrub from combination of green seaweed and turmeric powder

Ginanjar Pratama, Rini Yanuarti, Aris Munandar, Rifki Prayoga Aditia


The objective of this study was to identify the optimal blend of Boergesenia forbesii seaweed and turmeric powder as ingredients for a body scrub with the intention of removing dead skin cells.  The concentrations of B. forbesii seaweed and turmeric powder were varied in the experimental design, with ratios of 1:1, 1:2, and 2:1, in addition to the control group. Undertaken tests encompassed emulsion type, centrifugal analysis, homogeneity evaluation, humidity determination, pH measurement, and organoleptic assessment According to the research findings, it can be concluded that the body scrub product is classified as an oil-in-water (O/W) type emulsion, exhibiting stability and a non-homogeneous structure. The product displayed increased moisture content and an appropriate pH range of 5.58-6.67. Organoleptic observations of appearance, color, and aroma were rated somewhat like to like. The optimal body scrub treatment comprised a blend of B. forbesii seaweed and turmeric powder at a ratio of 2:1, as determined through objective and sensory evaluations.


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Ginanjar Pratama
ginanjarpratama@untirta.ac.id (Primary Contact)
Rini Yanuarti
Aris Munandar
Rifki Prayoga Aditia
PratamaG., YanuartiR., MunandarA., & AditiaR. P. (2023). Karakteristik body scrub kombinasi rumput laut hijau dan serbuk kunyit: Characteristics of body scrub from combination of green seaweed and turmeric powder . Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 26(3), 476-484. https://doi.org/10.17844/jphpi.v26i3.46062

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