Profil asam amino Turbinaria ornata dan Ulva reticulata dari Perairan Moudolung Sumba Timur Amino acid profile of Turbinaria ornata and Ulva reticulata from Moudolung Waters East Sumba

Firat Meiyasa, Erwin Ranjawali, Mirna Zena Tuarita, Nurbety Tarigan


Seaweed is a living organism that can be utilized in the food industry, particularly as a food supplement.  Further investigation is warranted concerning the chemical makeup and amino acid content of seaweeds. This study aimed to assess the chemical makeup and amino acid profile of seaweed with the ultimate goal of determining its suitability for use as a condiment or seasoning. The specimens examined in this study comprised Turbinaria ornata, a brown alga, and Ulva reticulata, a green alga, collected from coastal waters in Moudolung, East Sumba.  The samples were subsequently dried in the sun for 2-3 days, followed by flouring, and then subjected to chemical analysis to determine their composition, including moisture content, ash content, fat content, protein content, crude fiber content, carbohydrate content (calculated by difference), and amino acid profile. The findings of the analysis revealed that the two varieties of seaweed powder contained varying percentages of moisture, ranging from 13.34% to 15.40%, ash, which ranged from 19.20% to 36.76%; fat, which was present in amounts of 2.28% to 5.83%, protein, which was present in amounts of 5.08% to 5.57%, carbohydrates, which ranged from 42.54% to 54.00%, and crude fiber, which ranged from 25.00% to 27.75%.  Two of the 15 amino acid profiles were identified: essential amino acids (phenylalanine, isoleucine, valine, arginine, lysine, leucine, threonine, and histidine) and non-essential amino acids (serine, glutamic acid, alanine, glycine, aspartic acid, tyrosine, and proline).  Glutamic acid and aspartic acid were the most prevalent amino acids, surpassing the other amino acids. The samples collected from T. ornata and U. reticulata, sourced from East Sumba, were suitable for use as condiments or seasonings.


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Firat Meiyasa (Primary Contact)
Erwin Ranjawali
Mirna Zena Tuarita
Nurbety Tarigan
MeiyasaF., RanjawaliE., TuaritaM. Z., & TariganN. (2023). Profil asam amino Turbinaria ornata dan Ulva reticulata dari Perairan Moudolung Sumba Timur: Amino acid profile of Turbinaria ornata and Ulva reticulata from Moudolung Waters East Sumba. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 26(3), 425-432.

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