Fortifikasi tepung ikan teri (Stolephorus sp.) terhadap karakteristik fisik dan mikrostruktur mi berbasis sagu Fortification of Anchovy (Stolephorus sp.) Flour on Physical Characteristics and Microstructures of Sago-Based Noodles
The fortification of anchovy flour with non-gluten noodles is a form of fishery product diversification that can increase the nutritional value of noodles. This study aimed to determine the cooking time, rehydration power, chemical composition, and microstructure of sago-based noodle products fortified with anchovy flour. This research focused on the process of making noodles by fortifying anchovy flour into 100% sago flour. Anchovy flour was added at concentrations of 0, 3, 5, 7, and 9%, followed by the addition of 25% water and 2% salt. The mixture was then mixed using a mixer for 15 min, and the starch pre-gelatinization process was carried out for 30 min. The noodle strands were formed using an extruder and dried at room temperature for two days. The anchovy noodle sample was then tested with three repetitions of the physical, chemical composition, and microstructural tests. Physical characteristics showed that the fortification of anchovy flour affected cooking time ranging from 6.86-7.17 minutes, and rehydration power ranged from 80.267%-88.20%. The chemical composition of noodles fortified with anchovy flour has a protein content of 0.37%-8.59%; ash content of 3.43%-4.19%; fat content of 0.13% -1.97%, and water content of 12.01% -12.56%. The noodle microstructure shows differences such as the internal structure which is compact and slightly rough, smooth and slightly compact because there are tenuous zones, and compact and smooth.
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