Formulasi body lotion dari ekstrak lamun dan gonad bulu babi Formulation of body lotion from seagrass and sea urchin gonads extracts
In the last decade, body lotion innovations have been modified to contain compounds to prevent the effects of exposure to ultraviolet rays in the form of free radicals that are harmful to the skin. Seagrass extracts (Enhalus acoroides) and sea urchin gonads (Diadema setosum) are natural ingredients from the sea that have the potential to be used as sunscreens. The aim of this study was to determine the best combination of seagrass extract and sea urchin gonads as a body lotion, based on information on the content of secondary metabolites as a basic ingredient, physical fitness index, and the best SPF value. This research was conducted by looking at the different ratios of seagrass and sea urchin gonads, namely F1 (2:1), F2 (1:2), F3 (3:3) and control F0 (0:0). Analyses were carried out using test and observation methods, including phytochemical tests, organoleptic tests, and in vitro SPF value tests using UV-Vis Spectrophotometry. The results showed that the phytochemical compounds detected in the seagrass extract included flavonoids, triterpenoids, and saponins. Body lotion preparations were suitable for use with the highest irritation index, feeling no itching on F3, as many as 17 panelists. The highest SPF value is F1 = 12.2, while the lowest value is at F0 = 3.5, so that the F1 preparation has potential as a sunscreen for maximum UV-B protection.
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