Potensi ikan bleberan (Thryssa sp.) sebagai sumber zat gizi balita tengkes The potential of Bleberan fish (Thryssa sp.) as nutritional source for toddler stunting

Meriwati Mahyuddin, Tetes Wahyu Witradharma, Eko Risdianto


Toddler nutritional problems are directly influenced by nutritional intake and infectious diseases. Protein, as an important intake, is indispensable for the growth of toddlers. Indonesia has merged with a maritime country rich in marine products, but its use is not typical. This study aimed to explore the potential of local fish populations in Bengkulu Province as a protein source for stunting toddlers. In general, fish are only fried or cooked with coconut milk in the family, so toddlers are never given it, considering that fish spines can harm the digestive system. This study uses a quality approach to determine the habit of toddler mothers to use fish on the menu of the place of residence. After obtaining an overview of the types of local fish that are easily accessible, namely Thryssa sp., the laboratory analysis of nutrients was continued. Protein and iron can only be obtained from expensive foods, which is not always true. Every 100 g of Thryssa sp. groundfish contains 153 kcal of energy, 18.75 g of protein, 1.13 g of fat, 0.19 g of carbohydrates, and 1.71 mg of Fe.


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Meriwati Mahyuddin
meri.sudarwan@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Tetes Wahyu Witradharma
Eko Risdianto
MahyuddinM., WitradharmaT. W., & RisdiantoE. (2023). Potensi ikan bleberan (Thryssa sp.) sebagai sumber zat gizi balita tengkes: The potential of Bleberan fish (Thryssa sp.) as nutritional source for toddler stunting. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 26(3), 392-399. https://doi.org/10.17844/jphpi.v26i3.44005

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