Karakterisasi Pepsin Lambung Ikan Tuna Sirip Kuning (Thunnus albacares) yang Dikeringkan dengan Metode Berbeda Pepsin Characterization of Yellowfin Tuna Stomach (Thunnus albacares) Dryed with Different Methods
Pepsin is a proteolytic enzyme that has the ability active in acidic conditions.. So far, pepsin is produced from the stomachs of pigs and cows. An alternative raw material for producing pepsin is the stomach of yellowfin tuna. Enzymes in dry form (powder) will be easier to store and are stable. The purpose of this study was to analyze the pepsin characteristics of the yellowfin tuna stomach and the effect of the drying method on the pepsin characteristics.The drying method was used spray drying and freeze drying. The specific activity of pepsin crude extract was 19,982.52 U/mg, with Vmax 50,000 mmol/s and Km 0.5 mM. The optimum pepsin at 50oC temperature and pH 2, and has a molecular weight 32 kDa. The dried pepsin with spray drying has a specific activity 7,693.5 U/mg, with Vmax 833.33 mmol/s and Km 0.5 mM, whereas with freeze drying has a specific activity 8,606.75 U/mg, Vmax and Km values respectively 1,666.67 mmol/s and 0.833 mM. The molecular weight of pepsin enzyme with spray drying 33 kDa and freeze drying 33 kDa. The results showed the specific activity of pepsin decreased after the drying process.
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