Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Ekstrak dan Tepung Ikan Gabus dan Potensinya sebagai Imunomodulator Isolation and Characterization Extract and Powder from Snakehead Fish (Channa striata) and It Potency as Immunomodulator Stocks.

Maria Ivan Budju Niga, Pipih Suptijah, Wini Trilaksani


Channa striata contains high protein albumin fraction that potentially used as a biofarma and human albumin substitution material. This research was aimed to determine the length time of steaming and profiling albumin powder and fish meat extract with filtration as immunomodulator stocks. Ekstraction of albumin conducted using steaming method with four variety of time (10, 15, 20 and 25 minutes) and the albumin was analyzed using Bromocresol Green (BCG) method. This research was included proximat analysis and heavy metal of C. striata, extraction, mineral analysis, albumin content, molecul weight used SDS-PAGE, functional groups used FTIR, particle size and amino acid. This research showed that moisture content of C. striata around 80.93%, fat 1.37%, protein 16.76%, ash 0.65% and carbohydrate 1.28%. Heavy metal included 0.013- 0.28 ppm of Hg and 0-0.63 ppm of Pb. Albumin analysed from fresh meat was reached 4.8 g/100 mL, meat extraction produced 3.76 g/100 mL, meat extraction with filtration 4.6 g/100 mL (wet) and fish powder 3.8 g/100 mL. Fish powder contained 85.80% protein, 9.26% moisture, 2.67% ash, 2.06% fat, and 0.21% total carbohydrate. Amino acids of meat extract with filtration comprised serine, lysine, aspartic, alanine, and glutamic. Albumin wave absorption used Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) analysed was at 1644.96, molecul weight 63 to 70 kDa and there was IgG molecules that potential as an immunomodulator stocks.


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Maria Ivan Budju Niga (Primary Contact)
Pipih Suptijah
Wini Trilaksani
NigaM. I. B., SuptijahP., & TrilaksaniW. (2022). Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Ekstrak dan Tepung Ikan Gabus dan Potensinya sebagai Imunomodulator: Isolation and Characterization Extract and Powder from Snakehead Fish (Channa striata) and It Potency as Immunomodulator Stocks. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 25(1), 52-66.

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