Perbedaan Mutu Permen Jeli Kappaphycus alvarezii yang Dikemas Edible Film Berbasis Gelatin-CMC-Lilin Lebah dan Gelatin-Kitosan-Nanokitin Quality Differences of Jelly Candy Kappaphycus alvarezii Wrapped in CMC-Beewax-Gelatin and Chitosan-Nanochitin Gelatin Based Edible Film

Asri Silvana Naiu, Nikmawatisusanti Yusuf, Srirahayu Cahyani Yusuf, Yusnina S Hudongi


This study aimed to analyze differences in the quality of seaweed jelly candy wrapped with natural packaging of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)-beeswax gelatin based edible film and nanochitin-chitosan gelatin based edible film. The interaction of different compounds in edible films is thought to affect the quality of jelly candy during storage. The treatment in this study is the accelerated storage time of candy using a chamber for 15 days at a higher temperature (40oC) with 75% humidity which is equivalent to 60 days at room temperature. The data obtained were analyzed by independent T-Test to determine the differences in water vapor of transmission rate (WVTR) of edible film, the microbiological and the chemical quality of jelly candy. Mann-Whitney U-Test to assay sensory level of jelly candy wrapped with both treatments. The parameters tested were WVTR of the edible film and the quality of the jelly candy which included water content, reducing sugar content, total plate count (TPC), and sensory quality at the 95% confidence level. The T-Test showed that there were no differences in WVTR while reduction sugar and total microbial values were significantly variances from the first day and water content seemed difference at last day (60th day). The Mann-Whitney U-Test showed variances in the appearance value of the candy starting from the 24th day, and the aroma from the 12th day, while the taste and the texture were not significantly different. The best quality of candy was obtained from the nanochitin-chitosan gelatin based edible film.


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Asri Silvana Naiu (Primary Contact)
Nikmawatisusanti Yusuf
Srirahayu Cahyani Yusuf
Yusnina S Hudongi
NaiuA. S., YusufN., YusufS. C., & HudongiY. S. (2021). Perbedaan Mutu Permen Jeli Kappaphycus alvarezii yang Dikemas Edible Film Berbasis Gelatin-CMC-Lilin Lebah dan Gelatin-Kitosan-Nanokitin: Quality Differences of Jelly Candy Kappaphycus alvarezii Wrapped in CMC-Beewax-Gelatin and Chitosan-Nanochitin Gelatin Based Edible Film. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 24(3), 357-369.

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