Aktivitas Antibakteri Kitosan Monosakarida Kompleks sebagai Penghambat Bakteri Patogen pada Olahan Produk Perikanan Antibacterial Of Chitosan Monosaccharide Complex As An Inhibitor Of Pathogenic Bacteria For Fishery Products

Selly Ratna Sari, Ace Baehaki, Shanti Dwita Lestari, Elmeizy Arafah, Guttifera


The purpose of this research was to observe antibacterial activity of modified chitosan monosaccharide complex as a natural preservative for the fishery products. Natural preservation was made by modifiying chitosan disinfecting monosaccharides used autoclaving that had variation 1% glucose, 1% galactose and 1% fructose. Analysis preservative had been proved by testing bacterialactivity of Vibrio cholerae  bacteria which are frequently used for indications of fishery product damage. Modified Chitosan shows better than the use of chitosan without modification (control). Chitosan with fructose modification indicates highest bacterial power of bacteria Vibrio cholerae is 9 mm. fructose sugar are the best treatments. This natural preservative is really needed as a preservative in fishery products both society and industry and can be an alternative natural preservatives.


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Selly Ratna Sari
sellyratnasari@uss.ac.id (Primary Contact)
Ace Baehaki
Shanti Dwita Lestari
Elmeizy Arafah
Ratna SariS., BaehakiA., Dwita LestariS., ArafahE., & Guttifera. (2021). Aktivitas Antibakteri Kitosan Monosakarida Kompleks sebagai Penghambat Bakteri Patogen pada Olahan Produk Perikanan: Antibacterial Of Chitosan Monosaccharide Complex As An Inhibitor Of Pathogenic Bacteria For Fishery Products. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 23(3), 542-547. https://doi.org/10.17844/jphpi.v23i3.32717

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