Characterization of Endogenous Transglutaminase Enzyme of Yellow Pike Conger’s Liver (Congresox talabon)

Santhy Wisuda Sidauruk, Tati Nurhayati, Untung Trimo Laksono


Transglutaminases have been found in various living organism, such as mammals, plants,
microorganisms, and marine organisms including fishes. Transglutaminases have many various functions
such as food or non-food application and in pharmaceticals industries. This research was aimed to
characterize transglutaminase that obtained from fisheries byproducts such as catadromous fish the yellow
pike conger’s liver.. The yield of yellow pike conger’s liver was 0.88±0.11%. Crude transglutaminase from liver
of yellow pike conger had specific activity of 1.375 U/mg with optimum pH at 7.5 and optimum temperature
at 50°C. The activity of transglutaminase were increased on Mg2+ ion dependent. Crude transglutaminase
had molecular weight of 27.48; 37.00; 69.51; 78.89; 88.18; 108.45; 134.10; and 172.12 kDa.


Santhy Wisuda Sidauruk (Primary Contact)
Tati Nurhayati
Untung Trimo Laksono
SidaurukS. W., NurhayatiT., & LaksonoU. T. (2017). Characterization of Endogenous Transglutaminase Enzyme of Yellow Pike Conger’s Liver (Congresox talabon). Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 20(3), 582-591.

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