Profile of amino acid, fatty acid, and mineral content of Tambelo (Bactronophorus sp.) from Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi

Riviani Riviani, Sri Purwaningsih, Kustiariyah Tarman


Public coastal had trust natural material as medicine became one of the most important things in
the discovery of medicine latest. Papua, Belitung, and Kendari coastal communities believed that tambelo
(Bactronophorus sp.) can treat various kinds of diseases like lumbago, rheumatism, cough, flu, malaria, and
improve production of the breast milk, increase appetite, and vitality of man. It was important to know what
course content of tambelo. Tambelo could be examined amino acids, fatty acids, and mineral contents. The
highest essential amino acids in tambelo were leucyne, lysine, and valin of 0.57%, 0.39%, 0.36%. The highest
non essential amino acid was alanin, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid of 1.24%, 1.09%, and 0.78%. Barrier
of amino acid was histidine. Fatty acid total of tambelo was 29.52%, whereas the fatty acid compositions
consist of 10.09% saturated fatty acid (SAFA) was 14.37% monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) was 5.06%
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Among them, those occuring in the highest proportions were palmatic
acid (4.49%), oleic acid (5.73%), palmitoleic acid (4.96%), and Aracidic acid (1.88%). Tambelo had n6/n3
ratio of 1.84. Tambelo had mineral contents as Natrium of 1144000 mg/kg, calcium of 17000 mg/kg, Kalium
of 21000 mg/kg, magnesium of 13000 mg/kg, phosphor of 1900 mg/kg, cadmium < 0.24 mg/kg, and lead
<1.25 mg/kg.
Keyword : amino acids, Bactronophorus sp., fatty acids, mineral contents, tambelo


Riviani Riviani (Primary Contact)
Sri Purwaningsih
Kustiariyah Tarman
RivianiR., PurwaningsihS., & TarmanK. (2016). Profile of amino acid, fatty acid, and mineral content of Tambelo (Bactronophorus sp.) from Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 19(1), 51-57.

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