Allometric Equations for Estimating Aboveground Biomass of Eucalyptus urophylla S.T. Blake in East Nusa Tenggara
Understanding the essential contribution of eucalyptus plantation for industry development and climate change mitigation requires the accurate quantification of aboveground biomass at the individual tree species level. However, the direct measurement of aboveground biomass by destructive method is high cost and time consuming. Therefore, developing allometric equations is necessary to facilitate this effort. This study was designed to construct the specific allometric models for estimating aboveground biomass of Eucalyptus urophylla in East Nusa Tenggara. Forty two sample trees were utilized to develop allometric equations using regression analysis. Several parameters were selected as predictor variables, i.e. diameter at breast height (D), quadrat diameter at breast height combined with tree height (D2H), as well as D and H separately. Results showed that the mean aboveground biomass of E. urophylla was 143.9 ± 19.44 kg tree-1. The highest biomass were noted in stem (80.06%), followed by bark (11.89%), branch (4.69%), and foliage (3.36%). The relative contribution of stem to total aboveground biomass improved with the increasing of diameter class while the opposite trend was recorded in bark, branch, and foliage. The equation lnŶ = lna + b lnD was best and reliable for estimating the aboveground biomass of E. urophylla since it provided the highest accurate estimation (91.3%) and more practical than other models. Referring to these findings, this study concluded the use of allometric equation was reliable to support more efficient forest mensuration in E. urophylla plantation.
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