Zeetpy Maisana, Sri Hartoyo, Idqan Fahmi, Hendra Wijaya



The purpose of this study was to analyze rejected product in slaughterhouse division using total quality management approach. The secondary data were collected from the company archives and judgmental sampling was used to collect primary data from six experienced respondents. The analysis method used was total quality management, include stratification, Pareto diagrams, control charts, fishbone diagrams, and quality function deployment. The findings of this study showed that the use of line production system by the slaughterhouse to produce the product; where products’ redness/bruises, size uniformity, bloodless feature, incorrect delivery, delivery delay, and damaged package were the cause of product rejection. The strategies ordered based on the priority to improve the management quality are: tools repair and replacement, creating quality based projects, build an information system between the production lines, training and seminar. The managerial implications of the study suggested the slaughterhouse to replace or repair the plucker, scalder and automatic weighing machine. It also suggested the slaughterhouse to tighten the span of control in the chilling room to maintain product freshness.

Keywords: rejected product analysis, TQM, QFD, chicken slaughterhouse, carcass


Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis produk tolakan pada rumah potong ayam melalui pendekatan total quality management. Pengumpulan data sekunder penelitian diperoleh dari arsip perusahaan dan judgemental sampling digunakan terhadap enam responden ahli untuk memperoleh data primer penelitian. Metode analisis data yang digunakan total quality management, meliputi stratifikasi, diagram pareto, peta kendali, diagram tulang ikan, dan quality function deployment.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penggunaan sistem lini produksi pada proses produksi di perusahaan, dimana memar pada produk, keseragaman ukuran, kesegaran produk, pengiriman tidak sesuai pesanan, keterlambatan pengiriman serta kemasan yang rusak merupakan penyebab terjadinya produk tolakan. Prioritas strategi perbaikan mutu yang dapat dilakukan di rumah potong ayam secara berurutan terdiri atas, perbaikan dan penggantian alat, proyek kualitas, pembangunan sistem informasi antar lini produksi, serta pelatihan dan seminar. Implikasi manajerial hasil penelitian merekomendasikan rumah potong ayam untuk melakukan perbaikan atau penggantian pada alat perontok bulu, alat perebusan, dan alat timbang otomatis, hasil penelitian juga merekomendasikan kepada rumah potong ayam untuk memperketat rentang kendali pada ruang pendingin guna menjaga kesegaran produk.

Kata kunci:  analisis produk tolakan, TQM,  QFD, rumah pemotongan ayam, karkas


Zeetpy Maisana (Primary Contact)
Sri Hartoyo
Idqan Fahmi
Hendra Wijaya
Author Biography

Zeetpy Maisana

MaisanaZ., HartoyoS., FahmiI., & WijayaH. (2012). PENDEKATAN TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT PRODUK BROILER TOLAKAN. Jurnal Manajemen & Agribisnis, 9(3), 163-172.

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