Indonesia is said to be an agrarian country because of the abundant reserves of essential food needs in the agricultural sector. This agricultural sector is a reference in the survival of humans now and in the future. This drought crisis occurred in Grobogan, Central Java, which occurred due to several factors, one of which is the anthropogenic factor in the form of many farmers in producing and maintaining agricultural land using inorganic fertilizers. Therefore, research is needed to compare liquid fertilizers, identify external and internal factors of plant growth, and analyze the effectiveness of fertilizers. The research was carried out in two-time stages, namely the time of incubation of the solution and the time of observation of plant growth using planting media in the form of polybags. The fertilizers that are the source of observation are LOF (Liquid Organic Fertilizer) fertilizer, eco enzyme fertilizer, and PGPR fertilizer. Based on the research that has been conducted, the three fertilizers have internal and external factors that affect the growth period. Internal factors can be in the form of growth hormones, while external factors that affect growth, namely environmental conditions (temperature, pH, humidity, sunlight, and soil). The most effective fertilizer to be used as an ingredient to accelerate plant growth is PGPR fertilizer.
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