The commodity that has the potential to be produced by farmers in Tanjung Ibus Village is red chilies. Limited and fluctuating availability and prices of production factors are problems in red chili production activities. Analysis of the determinants of red chili production is important as a policy recommendation to increase red chili production. The comparison of income and farming costs determines the feasibility of farming. Farming feasibility analysis is important to carry out in the development of red chilies. This research aims to analyze the determinants of production and feasibility of red chili farming in Tanjung Ibus Village, Secanggang District, Langkat Regency. The number of samples in this research was 42 farmers. This research uses the Cobb-Douglas production function analysis method and the B/C Ratio. The research results show that land, seeds, and fertilizer are production factors that significantly and positively influence red chili farming production. The B/C ratio value for red chili farming is 2.6, meaning that red chili farming in this study is feasible. The policy recommendations for this research are the establishment of a subsidy policy, fertilizer innovation with a combination of the use of chemical and non-chemical fertilizers, and assistance with tractor technology.
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