Efek Konsumsi Yogurt Buah Naga Merah terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah Sistolik pada Lansia Hipertensi di Kampung Kayutangan Kelurahan Kauman Kota Malang The Effect of Consuming Red Dragon Fruit Yogurt on Reducing Systolic Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Elderly in Kayutangan Village, Kauman Subdistrict, Malang City

Venny Kurnia Andika, Evanda Ratna Thalia Khandy, Yolanda Agustina


Hypertension is a form of clinical manifestation that occurs due to the aging process, characterized by arterial stiffening. Lifestyle modifications are recommended for individuals with hypertension, including increasing physical activity through exercise, limiting daily sodium intake, and consuming foods with antihypertensive properties, such as yogurt with added fruit. Yogurt is a functional food that offers health benefits, with a texture that is easily swallowed and well-tolerated by the elderly population. This study aims to investigate the effect of yogurt supplemented with red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) on blood pressure reduction in elderly individuals with hypertension in RW 2 and RW 9, Kauman Village. The research design employed a quasi-experimental approach with purposive sampling. A total of 60 respondents participated in this study, with 30 respondents serving as controls without intervention and 30 respondents receiving intervention for 14 days. The results demonstrated a decrease in systolic blood pressure among respondents who received the intervention. An effect of the intervention on reducing systolic blood pressure was observed in the experimental group. The Wilcoxon test results for the intervention group yielded a p-value=0.000, indicating a significant effect of the intervention on systolic blood pressure reduction within the group. A significant difference was observed between respondents in the control group and those in the intervention group, with a p-value=0.000 (p-value (sig)<0.05). The conclusion of this study is that the administration of red dragon fruit yogurt was found to effectively reduce systolic blood pressure in elderly individuals with hypertension in Kayutangan Village, Kauman.



Venny Kurnia Andika
funnyvenny@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Evanda Ratna Thalia Khandy
Yolanda Agustina
AndikaV. K., KhandyE. R. T. and AgustinaY. (2024) “Efek Konsumsi Yogurt Buah Naga Merah terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah Sistolik pada Lansia Hipertensi di Kampung Kayutangan Kelurahan Kauman Kota Malang: The Effect of Consuming Red Dragon Fruit Yogurt on Reducing Systolic Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Elderly in Kayutangan Village, Kauman Subdistrict, Malang City”, Jurnal Ilmu Gizi dan Dietetik. bjm, 3(4), pp. 295-305. doi: 10.25182/jigd.2024.3.4.295-305.
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