Potensi Kerugian Ekonomi Akibat Stunting pada Balita di Provinsi Sumatera Barat Tahun 2022 Potential Economic Losses due to Stunting at Underfive Years Old Children in West Sumatera Province in 2022

Alifa Zahra, Muhammad Aries


Indonesia has the potential for huge economic losses from stunting. This study aims to analyze the potential economic losses (decrease in productivity and healthcare cost) and the handling budget of stunting, as well as their comparison in the lowland and highland of West Sumatera Province in 2022. This research is a type of quantitative descriptive research with cross-sectional approaches and financial projection concepts to make estimates. The research results show that the estimated potential economic losses due to the decrease in productivity and healthcare costs of stunting in the lowland of West Sumatera Province in 2022 are of Rp291.00 billion–Rp1,310.00 billion (0.13%-0.59% GRDP) and Rp500.00 billion–Rp705.00 billion (0.23%-0.32% GRDP), whereas in the highland are Rp79.00 billion–Rp355.00 billion (0.13%-0.57% GRDP) and Rp135.00 billion–Rp190.00 billion (0.21%-0.30% GRDP). The magnitude of economic losses attributable to decreased productivity is influenced by the prevalence of stunting and the number of births, while the cost of treatment associated with stunting is determined by the prevalence of stunting and the number of stunted toddlers. Furthermore, the potential for greater economic losses per capita due to decreased productivity in lowland areas is also attributed to the higher GRDP per capita in those regions.


Alifa Zahra
Muhammad Aries
ariesulaeman@apps.ipb.ac.id (Primary Contact)
ZahraA. and AriesM. (2024) “Potensi Kerugian Ekonomi Akibat Stunting pada Balita di Provinsi Sumatera Barat Tahun 2022: Potential Economic Losses due to Stunting at Underfive Years Old Children in West Sumatera Province in 2022”, Jurnal Ilmu Gizi dan Dietetik. bjm, 3(4), pp. 312-326. doi: 10.25182/jigd.2024.3.4.312-326.
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