Formulasi Crackers Berbasis Tepung Umbi Bit dan Tepung Ikan Patin sebagai Kudapan Pencegahan Anemia pada Ibu Hamil Formulation of Crackers Based on Beetroot Flour and Patin Fish Flour as a Snack for Preventing Anemia in Pregnant Women

Alfini Septianingsih, Wilda Yunieswati


According to RISKESDAS data, the prevalence of anemic pregnant women in 2013 was 37.1%, and in 2018, this prevalence increased to 48.9%. Crackers supplemented with beetroot flour and catfish flour present a potential snack product high in iron and protein, as well as a potential business opportunity. This research aims to determine the nutritional content of cracker products. The experimental research utilized a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) comprising three treatments. Organoleptic tests employed sensory testing methods. Statistical analyses were conducted using the Kruskal-Wallis test and the Mann-Whitney post-hoc test. In the hedonic quality test, the selected formula was F1, which exhibited a yellowish-brown color, mild aroma, crunchy texture, and a slightly savory, bland taste. The F1 hedonic test yielded an overall acceptability value of 3.83 (somewhat liked or neutral). The nutritional content of crackers per 100 grams was as follows: iron (Fe) 5.1 mg, ash content 4.23%, energy from fat 168.25 kcal, total fat content 18.69%, water content 5.3%, total energy 455 kcal, carbohydrates 60.39%, and protein content 11.38%.


Alfini Septianingsih (Primary Contact)
Wilda Yunieswati
SeptianingsihA. and YunieswatiW. (2024) “Formulasi Crackers Berbasis Tepung Umbi Bit dan Tepung Ikan Patin sebagai Kudapan Pencegahan Anemia pada Ibu Hamil: Formulation of Crackers Based on Beetroot Flour and Patin Fish Flour as a Snack for Preventing Anemia in Pregnant Women”, Jurnal Ilmu Gizi dan Dietetik. bjm, 3(4), pp. 252-267. doi: 10.25182/jigd.2024.3.4.252-267.
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