Inovasi Russian Honey Cake (Medovik) dengan Bahan Dasar Tepung Talas Innovation of Russian Honey Cake (Medovik) With Taro Flour

Haliza Naisyah Naufana Cheria, Sudewi Yogha, Cica Yulia


Russian honey cake (medovik) is a dessert that originates from Russia. Medovik is a layered cake consisting of honey biscuits and frosting. The purpose of this research is to analyze the russian honey cake recipe formula with a good taro flour base, analyze the sensory analysis of russian honey cake with a taro flour base, and assess the acceptability of russian honey cake with taro flour as a base. The experiments used in this study used the QDA (Quantitative Descriptive Analysis) method and tested the acceptance of 30 consumer panelists using the hedonic test. The standard recipe for making russian honey cake with the basic ingredients of taro flour consists of 3 components, namely biscuits, honey syrup and frosting. For the honey biscuit dough, you need 23% taro flour (roasted), 3.1% honey, 10.7% granulated sugar, 6.7% unsalted butter, 5.8% egg white, 4% egg yolk, 0.3% vanilla, and 0.3% baking soda. For honey syrup 3.6% warm water, 0.4% honey and 0.9% plain UHT milk. Ingredients for making frosting. Consists of 22.2% cream cheese, 4.4% sour cream, 11.5% whipped cream, 2.2% honey and 0.9% refined sugar. The sensory test results of the russian honey cake product with the basic ingredients of taro flour can be stated to be similar to the reference product in terms of color, texture, taste, aroma and overall appearance. Acceptability of russian honey cake by getting results that were declared liked by consumer panelists


Haliza Naisyah Naufana Cheria
Sudewi Yogha
Cica Yulia (Primary Contact)
Naisyah Naufana CheriaH., YoghaS. and YuliaC. (2023) “Inovasi Russian Honey Cake (Medovik) dengan Bahan Dasar Tepung Talas: Innovation of Russian Honey Cake (Medovik) With Taro Flour”, Jurnal Ilmu Gizi dan Dietetik. bjm, 2(1), pp. 66-73. doi: 10.25182/jigd.2023.2.1.66-73.
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