Optimasi Konsumsi Pangan pada Rumah Tangga dengan Pendapatan 20 Persen Terendah di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan Optimization of Food Consumption among Households with the Lowest 20 Percent Income in South Sulawesi Province
This study aims to evaluate the quality and quantity of food consumption and develop food composition recommendations that can fulfill energy and protein requirements among households with the lowest 20% income in South Sulawesi Province at a minimum cost. Data analysis was conducted by processing SUSENAS data with a descriptive research design. The number of subjects used was 3060 households with the lowest income. Optimization of food consumption was done using linear programming. The results show that households with the lowest 20% income are still not able to fulfill their energy and protein requirements per capita per day (energy 79.6% RDA and protein 87.6% RDA) and their food consumption is still not diverse and balanced (DDP score=57.9). The food composition recommendations obtained through linear programming can meet the energy and protein requirements per capita per day, and the PPH score can still be improved up to 14.6-27.0 DDP score points. This study can suggest a more varied and balanced diet with roughly the same amount of expenditure.