Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Dismenore Primer pada Mahasiswi Institut Pertanian Bogor Factors Correlated with Primary Dysmenorrhea in Female College Students of IPB University

Kadija Raisa Fachruddin, Faisal Anwar, Cesilia Meti Dwiriani


Primary dysmenorrhea is a term for painful during menstrual periods. This study aims to analyze the factors correlated with primary dysmenorrhea in female college students of IPB University. The study was a cross sectional study and involved 97 subjects. The data were collected by online through google form questionnaire (subjects’ characteristic and physical activity) and interview by voice call (subjects’ intake). Most of the subjects experienced primary dysmenorrhea (69.1%) especially stage 1 dysmenorrhea (49.5%). Most of the subjects (68%) had mothers without a history of dysmenorrhea. Most of the subjects with the experience of primary dysmenorrhea (61.2%) was disturbed by the dysmenorrhea when studying. Most of the subjects had an inadequate intake of energy (51.5%), inadequate intake of carbohydrate (81.4%) and a high intake of fat (47.4%). Most of the subjects had an inadequate intake of micronutrient except for vitamin A. There was a correlation between primary dysmenorrhea and mother’s history of dysmenorrhea (p<0,05). Based on the Spearman Correlation test, there was a significant correlation between BMI score and intake of energy (p=0.007, r=-0.271) and carbohydrate (p=0.005, r=-0.283). There is a significant correlation between primary dysmenorrhea level and discomfort while studying during menstrual period (p=0.000).


Kadija Raisa Fachruddin
kadijafachruddin@yahoo.com (Primary Contact)
Faisal Anwar
Cesilia Meti Dwiriani
FachruddinK. R., AnwarF. and DwirianiC. M. (2022) “Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Dismenore Primer pada Mahasiswi Institut Pertanian Bogor: Factors Correlated with Primary Dysmenorrhea in Female College Students of IPB University”, Jurnal Ilmu Gizi dan Dietetik. bjm, 1(1), pp. 58-64. doi: 10.25182/jigd.2022.1.1.58-64.
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