Hubungan Penggunaan Instagram dengan Pengetahuan Gizi, Perilaku Makan, Aktivitas Fisik, dan Status Gizi Mahasiswa IPB The Correlation Between Instagram Use With Nutrition Knowledge, Eating Behavior, Physical Activity, and Nutritional Status of IPB Student

Alya Firdausi, Ali Khomsan, Purnawati Hustina Rachman


This research aims to analyze the relationship between the use of instagram with knowledge of nutrition, eating behavior, physical activity, and nutritional status. The design of this study was comparative cross sectional consisting of 48 nutritional subjects and 48 non-nutritional subjects selected by purposive sampling. Data was collected through interviews and self-administrated online. The duration of instagram use of the two groups of subjects is included in the light user category (63.5%) with a frequency of access to information as many as ≤3 times per week. Nutritional knowledge of the two groups of subjects in the good category (99%). The food diversity of nutrition subjects was included in the high category (66.7%), while non-nutrition subjects were included in the medium category (43.8%). The physical activity of the two groups of subjects was included in the light category (81.3%). The nutritional status of the two groups of subjects was included in the normal category (66.7%). There was a significant difference in knowledge of nutrition and food diversity between the two groups of subjects (p=0.00 and p=0.012). There is no significant relationship between the duration of social media use and the frequency of access to food/nutrition/sports information with knowledge of nutrition, food diversity, physical activity, and nutritional status of the two groups of subjects (p>0.05). It is concluded that the use of instagram wisely and carefully has a positive benefits with several variables researched.


Alya Firdausi
Ali Khomsan (Primary Contact)
Purnawati Hustina Rachman
FirdausiA., KhomsanA. and RahmanP. H. (2022) “Hubungan Penggunaan Instagram dengan Pengetahuan Gizi, Perilaku Makan, Aktivitas Fisik, dan Status Gizi Mahasiswa IPB: The Correlation Between Instagram Use With Nutrition Knowledge, Eating Behavior, Physical Activity, and Nutritional Status of IPB Student”, Jurnal Ilmu Gizi dan Dietetik. bjm, 1(1), pp. 16-24. doi: 10.25182/jigd.2022.1.1.16-24.
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