Investigating the Quality of Life on Farmer Family: Roles of Gender Relations, Economic Pressure, Financial Management, and Livelihood Strategies

  • Tin Herawati Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology, IPB University
  • Megawati Simanjuntak Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology, IPB University
  • Berti Kumalasari Indonesian Family Love Foundation, Bogor
Keywords: economic pressure, financial management, gender relations, livelihood strategies, quality of life


Indonesia as the largest tropical agricultural countries support natural conditions make Indonesia a country rich in agricultural products. The objective of this research was to analyze the influence of economic pressures, financial management, gender relations, and livelihood strategies toward the farmer families quality of life. This research used a quantitative study design. The research took place in West Java. Sixty respondents were chosen from the farmer's wife that selected by using a simple random sampling. Data were collected directly using a structured questionnaire. Partial Least Square analyzed data. The results show that farmers' family economic pressure significantly affects livelihood strategy and quality of life, gender relations significantly affect livelihood strategy and financial management, and financial management significantly affects the quality of life. As suggestions, farmers families should further improve their livelihood strategies and financial management by understanding the importance of limited use of family resources. The implications for government are providing programs to improve quality of life, by forming cooperatives involving the role of farmers' wives.


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How to Cite
HerawatiT., SimanjuntakM., & KumalasariB. (2021). Investigating the Quality of Life on Farmer Family: Roles of Gender Relations, Economic Pressure, Financial Management, and Livelihood Strategies . Journal of Family Sciences, 6(1), 37-52.

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