Author Guidelines


General Information

Journal of Family Sciences (JFS), published since 2016, is a biannually e-journal that provides articles on family and child development issues. It publishes quantitative and qualitative research and encourages manuscripts in various types including research articles, intervention articles, and review articles. The topics of this research that is published in JFS:  family functions, family development, interactions and communications in a family, family transition and globalization, gender analysis in family, family coping strategy, family empowerment, family well-being, marital interactions, marital satisfaction, child development in many aspects, child psychology, parenting, and other related topics.

Journal of Family Sciences (JFS) is published 2 (two) year, i.e. June and December. The author who will submit the manuscript to JFS must register online through . Manuscripts must be original and have not published previously and any scientific journal. The statement must be stated in an originality of statement form. The manuscripts have been submitted to JFS and were in the process of review should not be submitted to any media during the review process. Author(s) agree to follow the entire process of manuscript selection in accord to Journal of Family Sciences procedures, including revising the manuscripts by following the Editors and Reviewers comments in a specified time. Author(s) can’t be pulled back the manuscripts that have been declared “accepted” by the editorial board. Authors(s) who pulled back the accepted manuscript and does not follow the rules will be disqualified for publishing manuscript in Journal of Family Sciences for 2 consecutive years since the letter issued. JFS uses Plagiarism Checker (turnitin) to prevent any suspected plagiarism in the manuscripts.


Manuscript File

  1. Manuscript are written in English and use standard scientific usage. If manuscripts are written in English, authors especially whose first language is not English should consult the manuscript with English editing service before submitting it to Journal of Family Sciences.
  2. Manuscripts submitted must be original, have not been published previously in any scientific journal, are not being submitted for publication elsewhere, and will not be submitted for publication during the review process unless the authors have officially withdrawn the manuscripts from Journal of Family Sciences.
  3. Manuscripts should be prepared in Microsoft Word format (doc).
  4. Manuscript are prepared in A4 paper, margins on all four sides are 3 cm, and a total number of words is 6.000-8.000 words.
  5. Manuscript should be typed 1 lines spaced and using Times New Roman (TNR) at 12 points, except for:
  • Title (TNR 14pt)
  • Author Name (without a title), institution/company where the author works (affiliation), and include contact detail to correspondence with the author (TNR 11pt)
  • Abstract (TNR 11pt)
  • Tables (TNR 10pt).
  1. Tables, graphs, and figures used should be readable (high quality) and placed after tables, graphs, and figures are referred.
  2. Manuscript are written adopts Mendeley, and edition and page writing the decimal using dots.
  3. Structure and content of manuscripts in Journal of Family Sciences refer to American Psychological Association (APA) Style.
  4. Manuscripts content should be arranged as the fol­lowing order: Title, Author’s Name and Institutional Affiliation, Abstract (English and Bahasa Indonesia), Introduction, Methods (participant, measurement, and analysis), Findings, Discussion, Conclusion, Recommendation, Acknowledgment (if any), and References.
  5. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through online system: . If the author finds difficulty in submit the manuscript electronically, author can contact administration staff by e-mail (
  6. This journal allowed the author to present the ORCID ID’s in article meta data

Manuscript Structure and Content

  1. Title. The title must be written in English. The title must be brief, clear, specific and informative which reflect the article content. The length of the title maximum 14 words. Each word of the title should begin with capitalized letter.

  2. Author's Name. The preferred form of an author’s name is first name, middle initial(s), and last name. Author’s name should appear in the order of their contributions. Author’s name is written without titles and degrees.

  3. Author’s Institutional Affiliation. The affiliation identifies the location where the author or authors were when the research was conducted. Name of institution(s) where the research was conducted must be accompanied with full address including institution/department, city, zip code, country, and e-mail.

  4. Abstract. Must be written in English and Bahasa Indonesia, in single paragraph and no more than 200 words. Keywords should be written in no more than 5 (five) words or phrases.

  5. Introduction. Introduction should be describes a brief background of the research that supported by references. If there are similar aspect of the research that have been studied previously, describe also how the difference of this study with previous research (gap analysis of this research with previous research). Also, the urgency and novely of this research.

  6. Methods. Methods should be written clearly and completely and describes in detail the methods used in the study especially for materials, procedures, experimental design, and data analysis; so they can be repeated by other researchers. Authors should state clearly information of commercial product and equipment used in the research, such as commercial name, product specification, and country. The writing can be made in 3 sub-chapters as (a) Participant; (b) Measurements; (c) Analysis.

  7. Findings. Findings, describe the results of the research by using tables, graphs, or figures. It has to be attention to the author to explain the data not only just read them. The author should not repeat reading the data already presented in the tables, graphs, or figures. The text should be explain or elaborate the tabular data.

  8. Discussions. Discussion should show relevance between the results and the field of investigation and/or hypotheses and supported by references or previous empirical researches. Results that al­ready described in the results section should not be repeated in the discussion section. Comparison with other research results also serves to indicate the position of the research conducted in the middle of the discourse of relevant topics. Also write down the limitations of the study.

  9. Conclusions. This section describes briefly the conclusions of research results that illustrate the answers to the research objectives. Conclusion should be written briefly.

  10. Recommendation. Based on the research finding, the author should give recommendations for related parties, such as policy makers, Non-Government organization, and other relevant institutions. The authors also must give recommendations for future research. Recommendation should be written briefly or in numbered list.

  11. Acknowledgment (if any). Acknowledgment should be stated to the person(s) or institution(s) who help the study.

  12. References. Authors should use references that are published in the last 10 year and at least 80 percent of the references used are from scientific journals. The author expected to use references from articles already published in the Journal of Family Sciences. Check any references to original sources (author name, volume, issue, year, DOI number). Please use the Reference Manager Application like Mendeley, Zotero or others. JFS adapts reference writing in the APA style model. Some examples of references are presented below:

Paper Presentation or Poster Session

Cohn, B. C., Merrell, K. W., Felver-Grant, J., Tom K, & Endrrulat, N. R. (2009, February). Strength-based assessment of social and emotional functioning: SEARS-C and SEARS-A. Paper presented at the Meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Boston.

Journal Article with DOI

Shi, Z., Pei, X., Zhigang, W. (2011). Are nutrition labels useful for the purchase of a familiar food? Evidence from Chinese consumers’ purchase of rice. Journal of Business China, 5(3), 402-421. doi:10.1007/s11782-011-0137-0.

Journal Article with DOI (more than seven authors)

Eisenberg, C. M., Ayala, G. X., Crespo, N. C., Lopez, N. V., Zive, M. M., Corder, K., . . . Elder, J. P. (2012). Examining multiple parenting behaviors on young children’s dietary fat consumption. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 44(4), 302-309. doi:10.1016/j.jneb.2011.10.004.

Corporate Author, Goverment Report

[BPS] Badan Pusat Statistik. (2014). Profil Kemiskinan di Indonesia September 2013 (Berita Resmi Statistik No. 06/01/Th. XVII). Retrieved from website/brs_ind/kemiskinan_02jan14.pdf.

Newspaper Article

Parker-Pope, T. (2008, May 6). Psychiatry handbook linked to drug industry. The New York Times. Retrieved from


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1. Instructions for Author

2. Statement Originality

3. Author Profile

4. Paper Template

5. APA Style Guidelines