The Jurnal Ekologi Manusia (JEM) is inviting you to submit an article for our next edition (Volume 1, Number 1, June 2025). The Jurnal Ekologi Manusia (JEM) is the official electronic publication of the Faculty of Human Ecology, IPB University. The Journal of Human Ecology is published in electronic form which contains articles that can contribute to the development of scientific foundations, education, research and service in the field of human ecology in Indonesia.
Focus and Scope
The scope of this journal is divided into 3 scientific fields, namely:
1) Nutrition
- Nutrition and food science
- Especially from developing and emerging countries in the areas of nutritional biochemistry
- Nutrition care processes in both clinical and community settings
- Functional, traditional, and novel foods;
- Healthy diets
- Sustainable food and nutrition
2) Family and Consumer Sciences
- Family well-being
- Family resilience
- Psychology
- Family resource management
- Family ecology
- Family communication
- Family development
- Gender partnership
- Human development
- Parenting
- Child protection
- Consumer behavior
- Consumer education
- Consumer protection
3) Communication and Community Development
- Extension education
- Communication for development and social change
- Natural resource governance
- Rural sociology
- Community development
- Migratory population
- Agrarian
- Political ecology
- Human ecology
- Gender
- Social psychology
- Rural development
- Etnicity
- Development communication
- Health communication and education
- Environmental communication and education
Deadline for Submissions
June issue 2025: submitted articles no later than April 30th, 2025
The manuscript should be submitted online in Word file format following link:
For further information regarding author, guidelines, and more information can be accessed from
Should you have any query or assistance of support please do not hesitate to contact us at:
Kind Regards,
Jurnal Ekologi Manusia