Publication Ethics Statement


The ethics code for scientific publication in Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia (JAI) is applied to establish ethical principles in all manuscripts submitted and published in Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia. It is important to prevent any misconceptions and conflicts. The publication ethics is based on COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors

Ethical Guidelines in Journal Publications

Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia publishes articles in aquaculture science and technology and has never been published yet. The articles may include both marine and freshwater aquaculture and also related fields in aquaculture, such as aquaculture engineering, in-farm, and off-farm aquaculture.  

Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia is a peer-reviewed journal in the publication of a manuscript creating a comprehensive and recognized relation of knowledge about aquaculture science and technology. The submitted manuscript in Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia is required to state the quality of the author's work, research method, and institutions. Thus, it is important to build standards in ethical principle and behavior for all parties involved in the publication: authors, editors, sustainable partners (reviewer), publishers, and journal sponsors.

The Department of Aquaculture of IPB University and Indonesian Society of Scientific Aquaculture (ISSA), as the Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia publisher, take full duties of custody in the publishing process and we notice our ethical principles and responsibility. We also state that advertising, reprint, and other commercial revenue do not impact the editorial decision. 

                                                                  AUTHOR DUTIES

Originality. Submitted manuscripts are the original work from the research result and presented the objectives of the study. The data presented in the manuscript must be authentic based on the result. Any unreliable pieces of information, data fabrication suspicion, and not compliance to the ethics publication will not be accepted and cannot be published in Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia. 

Data AccessAuthors may be asked to provide raw data related to editorial requirements in the publication process and are encouraged to provide data that is accessible to the public.

Originality and Plagiarism CheckThe authors must ensure that the submitted manuscript is their original work. When authors use other's works or statements, it should be cited or quoted properly, both in the body text and in the reference list. Plagiarism can appear in any stage of the study, i.e. planning, research, manuscript writing, and even publication. Plagiarism in any form indicates illegal publication attitude and it is strongly inadmissible.

Multiple Publication. The author must not publish manuscripts that use the same research result and/or substances to more than one journal or ]other type of publication. Submitting the same article to more than one journal is unethical behaviour in the publication and is not acceptable. Authors and editors of the journal must agree to consider the secondary publication, which must be similarly interpreted and explained with the primary manuscript. The primary manuscript must be properly cited in the secondary publication.

Acknowledgement of sources. An appropriate acknowledgment of the work/writing of others must always be given. Any personal information, e.g. conversation, correspondence, or discussions with third parties, must not be used or reported without explicit written permission from the source.

Authorship. Authorship must be limited to those who have a significant contribution, such as conception, design, implementation, interpretation of results, and writing. Those who have significant contributions must be registered as co-authors. If other parties have participated in certain substantive aspects of the research, they must be listed and acknowledged as contributors. The corresponding authors must ensure that all co-authors have approved the final version of the manuscript and have agreed to its submission for publication. 

Fundamental Errors in Published ArticlesWhen the author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in the Jurnal Akuakukultur Indonesia published manuscript, the author should notify the journal editor or editorial board to retract the article and revise it.

                                                             EDITORIAL BOARD DUTIES

Publication DecisionThe Editor of the Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia is responsible for deciding which of the submitted manuscript should be published. Continual reviewers work strictly with the editorial board to decide which manuscripts are eligible for publication in Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia. 

Justice in Publication. The editorial board and partner reviewers evaluate the manuscript for their intellectual substances regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, relatives, religious believes, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the author.

ConfidentialityThe Editor and any editorial staff must not disclose any information about the submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers and the publisher.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest. The editor must not use the unpublished manuscript in their own research without the author's written permission. Specific information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal interest. The editors must excuse themselves (i.e. must ask the associate editor or other member of the editorial board to review and consider) from considering manuscripts that has a conflict of interest due to competition, collaboration, or other relationships with one of the authors, affiliates, or institutions connected to the articles. If required, other appropriate actions must be taken in addressing this.

Engagement and Cooperation in ResearchThe editorial board will take responsive steps when there is an ethics complaint in the manuscript published. These steps generally include not only contacting the author of the article and giving consideration to the complaint in question or complaint made, but also include further communication with relevant agencies and research bodies, repairs to publications, and relevant actions related to the complaint. Each reported act of unethical behaviour must be found, even it was years after the publication. 

                                                               REVIEWERS DUTIES

Contribution to the Decision of the Editorial BoardPeer reviews assist the editor make decisions in decision making whether the manuscript is accepted or rejected. Peer-reviewed is a method in conducting a blinded review process or evaluation of relevant articles in their field expertise. Blinded-review means the reviewer team will not be informed about the author's identity and institution to avoid conflicts of interest and improve both reviewer and author’s integrity. Each paper is reviewed at least by two reviewers using track change in the manuscript. All reviewers' comments and suggestions were written directly on the manuscript to help the editor and author team to communicate the review results. 

Punctuality. The review process in Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia generally takes 1-4 months. When the review process takes longer because of certain reasons, the editorial team will contact the author. Adding the administration process, manuscript review, manuscript revision, manuscript translation, manuscript improvement, and the publication may be conducted within six months.

Confidentiality. Each submitted manuscript must be treated as a confidential document. It is not allowed to discuss or show with other parties without written authorized permission by the editorial board. 

Objectiveness. Reviewers must review the manuscript objectively. Any personal critics are not accepted. A clear supporting opinion or argument must be stated to support the manuscript's improvement.

Reference acknowledgment. The reviewer should identify a related study that will be published that is plagiarism-free. Each statement in the discussion must be observed, explored, or the opinion previously reported must be following and strengthened by the relevant citation. Reviewers must provide an understanding of the editor regarding substantial similarities and overlap with the manuscript that has been reviewed before it is published or with which based on their knowledge.

Information Disclosure and Conflict of Interest. Reviewers are not permitted to utilize any material in a manuscript that is not published in Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia in their research without the author's written permission. Specific information or ideas obtained during the peer-review process must be kept confidential and not used for personal interest. Reviewers must consider the article in the review that there is no conflict of interest appeared from the relationships with one of the authors, the company, or the institution of the manuscript.