Production performance of indonesian eel Anguilla bicolor bicolor with the addition of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in to the culture media

  • Andre Rachmat Scabra Department of Aquaculture
  • Tatag Budiardi Department of Aquaculture
  • Daniel Djokosetiyanto Department of Aquaculture




This study aimed to determine effect of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) addition in to the culture media for the production performance (survival rate, biomass growth rate, food conversion ratio, and coefficient of diversity) of Indonesian eel Anguilla bicolor bicolor. The experimental designed CRD with four treatments (calcium carbonate addition with dose A, 0 mg/L; B, 50 mg/L;  C, 100 mg/L; and D, 150 mg/L) and three replications. The eel with body weight average of 10.3±0.16 g/individual cultured in aquariums (100×50×40 cm3) with 4 g/L of stocking densities. This study was conducted for 60 days, in which the eel were fed three times a day by at satiation method. The result of this study showed that treatment B with calcium carbonate addition of 50 mg/L in to the culture media was the best treatment for production performance (survival rate 99.1%; biomass growth rate 3.48 g/day; and food conversion ratio 3.5). It was also optimal to reduce the physiological responses of the eel, in which the oxygen consumption rate ie 0.36 mg O2/g/jam and osmotic work rate ie 0.22 mOsm/L H2O. For the coefficient of diversity, the best results occur in treatment D ie 23.3%. Water quality during the study are within the range of optimal maintenance of eels (temperature 29.8–31.73 °C; pH 7.4–8.1; dissolved oxygen 4.7–5.57 mg/L; nitrite 0.10–0.78 mg/L; and ammonia 0.0008–0.0281 mg/L).


Keyword : Anguilla bicolor bicolor, calcium carbonate, Indonesian eel, production performance





Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji pengaruh penambahan kalsium karbonat (CaCO3) pada media budidaya terhadap kinerja produksi (derajat kelangsungan hidup, laju pertumbuhan mutlak biomassa, rasio konversi pakan, dan koefisien keragaman) ikan sidat Anguilla bicolor bicolor. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah RAL dengan empat pelakuan (penambahan CaCO3 dengan dosis A, 0 mg/L; B, 50 mg/L; C, 100 mg/L; dan D, 150 mg/L) dan tiga ulangan. Ikan sidat yang digunakan memiliki bobot rata-rata 10,3±0,16  g/ekor dengan padat tebar 4 g/L yang dipelihara pada wadah akuarium berukuran 100×50×40 cm3. Pemeliharaan ikan sidat dilaksanakan selama 60 hari dan diberikan pakan tiga kali sehari dengan metode at satiation. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan B, yaitu penambahan CaCO3 dengan dosis 50 mg/L adalah perlakuan terbaik terhadap kinerja produksi ikan sidat (derajat kelangsungan hidup 99,1%; laju pertumbuhan mutlak biomassa 3,48 g/hari; dan rasio konversi pakan 3,5). Perlakuan B juga memberikan nilai yang optimal yang dapat menurunkan tingkat konsumsi oksigen (0,36 mg O2/g/jam) dan tingkat kerja osmotik (0,22 mOsm/L H2O). Untuk parameter koefisien keragaman, hasil terbaik terjadi pada perlakuan D sebesar 23,3%. Kualitas air selama penelitian berada dalam kisaran optimal pemeliharaan ikan sidat (suhu 29,8–31,73 oC; pH 7,4–8,1; oksigen terlarut 4,7–5,57 mg/L; nitrit 0,10–0,78 mg/L; dan amonia 0,0008–0,0281 mg/L).


Kata kunci : Anguilla bicolor bicolor, ikan sidat, kalsium karbonat, kinerja produksi


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How to Cite
ScabraA.R., BudiardiT. and DjokosetiyantoD. 2016. Production performance of indonesian eel Anguilla bicolor bicolor with the addition of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in to the culture media. Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia. 15, 1 (Feb. 2016), 1-7. DOI: