Keberhasilan Penyuluhan Melalui Karakteristik Penyuluh dan Petani
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Agricultural extension is a system of conveying information and innovation with communication to increase knowledge and skills and change the attitudes and behavior of farmers. The success of agricultural development is supported by the quality of human resources, especially extension agents as the main actors, and farmers as targets. Human resources that consist of individual external and internal factors are the driving force and synergist of other resources to achieve the objectives of counseling. The research aims to formulate the success of counseling through the characteristics of frmers and extension workers with a quantitative descriptive method using the Speech Communication Model theory. Primary data was obtained using interviews and structured questionnaires for 65 extension workers and farmers using proportionate stratified random sampling in 9 sub-districts, Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan, while the entire extension population was taken, then analyzed using SEM-PLS. The results showed that the characteristics of extension agents had a positive effect in terms of demography, competence, and service input, as well as farmer’s characteristics in terms of demography, characteristics, and communication affordability which had a high effect on the success of extension. Characteristics of farmers and extension workers have a positive correlation with extension activities, which means that the higher ability, competence, skills, and motivation of farmers and extension workers, the success of extension can increase to achieve the goals of extension, realize an increase in the lives and welfare of farmers. Efforts can be made through training activities, technical guidance, and so on as needed. In addition, government support in the provision of financing, facilities, infrastructure, and supporting activity programs in efforts to increase competence and service input in the success of extension.
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