Pengaruh Kepercayaan Merek, Citra Merek, dan Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Pemilihan Platform Pembelian Buah dan Sayur Online
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The use of internet is not only as information and communication media, currently the internet is also useful in online business transactions. The agricultural sector is a potential sector to grow along with the high growth of e-commerce in Indonesia. Nowadays, platforms that specialize in selling fruits and vegetables online are constantly emerging. One of the factors that causing the increase in online fruit and vegetable purchases is the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite the continuous growth, it turns out that there are still some consumers who are reluctant to make purchases online with one of the reasons being worried about product mismatches if shopping through an online platform. This research aimed to analyze the influence of consumer perceptions of brand trust, brand image, and promotion in choosing an online fruit and vegetable purchasing platform during the Covid-19 pandemic in the Greater Jakarta area. This research used a survey method with a sampling technique using purposive sampling and the data in this research analyzed with descriptive analysis and SEM-PLS analysis. The conclusion in this research showed that consumer perceptions of brand trust, brand image and promotion have a positive and significant effect on the decision to choose an online fruit and vegetable purchasing platform in Jabodetabek during the Covid-19 pandemic. The sense of security provided by the platform, the quality of the products offered and also the many attractive offers available are the most dominant things considered by respondents in choosing an online fruit and vegetable purchasing platform.
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