Status Keberlanjutan Perkebunan Kopi Bersertifikasi C.A.F.E. Practices

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Abd Fajar
Anna Fariyanti
Wahyu Budi Priatna


The C.A.F.E. certification scheme (Coffee and Farmer's Equity) practices designed to produce high quality coffee, high prices, pay attention to fair relations with farmers, workers, communities, and protect the environment. However, valid data on the benefits of C.A.F.E practices for farmers remains limited. This study aimed to analyze the sustainable coffee plantations based on the index with Rap-Coffee through the Multidimensional Scaling (M.D.S.) method. The aspects studied in this research are economical, ecological, social, institutional, and technological dimensions. This research conducted in Enrekang Regency from March to June 2021. Respondents in the study are farmers who are members of the C.A.F.E certification program practices that consist of 110 farmers and three coffee experts Respondents from the farmer group were selected by random sampling, while respondents from the stakeholder group were selected by purposive sampling. The results of the sustainability analysis of certified coffee plantations in Enrekang Regency on each dimension are the economic dimension (55,03), social dimension (62,36), ecological dimension (71,27), institutional dimension (68,39) and technological dimension (64,92), and the sustainability index status of all dimensions is included in the moderately sustainable category. At the same time, the analysis results of the multidimensional sustainability index is 66,91, including the category of moderately sustainable. The sustainability of C.A.F.E. practices certified coffee plantations in each dimension has a different sustainability index, so different policies are needed to evaluate the sustainability of coffee plantations in the Enrekang Regency.


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How to Cite
FajarA., FariyantiA., & PriatnaW. B. (2023). Status Keberlanjutan Perkebunan Kopi Bersertifikasi C.A.F.E. Practices . Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia (Journal of Indonesian Agribusiness), 11(1), 1-16.
Author Biography

Abd Fajar, Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian dan Kehutanan Universitas Sulawesi Barat

Jl. Prof.Dr. Baharuddin Lopa, S.H, Talumung, Sulawesi Barat, Indonesia


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