Komparasi Pendapatan Usahatani Bawang Merah Berdasarkan Sumber Pembiayaan di Kabupaten Nganjuk
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Shallots in Indonesian society as a complement to spices in cooking, are also needed as raw material for the fried onion industry and have many benefits of high economic value. Shallot consumption has risen year after year, resulting in a rise in shallot commodity development. The scale of onion farming variety from small to large scale; it demands a significant amount of capital gets started. One of the most essential aspects of initiatives to promote a shallot commodity, which is intended to boost farmers' income, is the availability of funding. The purpose of this study was to determine the income between shallot farmers who access credit to formal and informal financial institutions. The research was conducted in Nganjuk Regency because it is one of the centres of shallots in East Java Province. The analysis in this research is analyzing farm income and examining the differences between farms that have access to formal and informal. The results showed that the income of shallot farming in Nganjuk Regency was very profitable and there was a difference between the income of shallot farming who accessed formal and informal financial institutions.
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