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Nursamsi Nursamsi
Rita Nurmalina
Amzul Rifin


The government's commitment to realize national food security through overcome food insecurity and malnutrition as the main program of the Ministry of Agriculture. This study aims to analyze differences in consumption of protein commodities based on two provincial categories and the effect of changes in prices and income on demand of protein commodities. The two provincial catagories are provinces which has protein consumption below Adequacy Rate of Protein (AKP), namely Jambi, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Maluku and provinces which has protein consumption above AKP, namely Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Jawa Timur. This study used the National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS) in March analyzed by using Linear Approximate-Almost Ideal Demand System (LA/AIDS). The results showed that consumption of fish and meat in provinces above AKP is higher then percapita consumption in provinces below AKP, while the others percapita consumption like poultry, egg, tempeh, and tofu is higher in provinces above AKP. Price and expenditure elasticity is more elastic in provinces above AKP then price and expenditure elasticity in provinces below AKP. Generally, the commodity's own price elasticity is inelastic in both categories of provinces except eggs. The value of egg elasticity is greater than 1 (elastic), either in provinces above AKP or in the provinces below AKP. Based on expenditure elasticity, all commodities are normal goods. Fish, poultry, and eggs are luxury goods in the province above the AKP, while only fish and eggs are luxury goods in the provinces below the AKP.




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NursamsiN., NurmalinaR., & RifinA. (2019). KAJIAN SISTEM PERMINTAAN KOMODITAS SUMBER PROTEIN DI ENAM PROVINSI INDONESIA. Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia (Journal of Indonesian Agribusiness), 7(2), 141-156. https://doi.org/10.29244/jai.2019.7.2.139-154


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