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Gandara, Gagan, IPB University
Ganefi, Hadi Satria
Gantyowati, Evi, Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sebelas Maret
Given, Lovia , Sekolah Bisnis dan Manajemen, Universitas Kristen Petra
Gosal, Gladys G , Program Studi Manajemen, Universitas Ciputra Surabaya
Gregorius, Prasetyo Adhitama, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Gufron, R Ery Bunyamin, Institut Pertanian Bogor
Gultom, Henry Casandra , Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, PGRI Semarang University
Gultom, Novianti Br, IPB University
Gunawan, Andre, Department of Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Surabaya
Gunawan, Indra , School of Business, IPB University
Gunawan, Sandy, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya
Gusmao, Cristino , Universidade da Pazniversitas, Timor Leste, CGPW+4J6 Rua. Osindo 1, Manleuana, Timor Leste
Gustriansyah, Rendra, Department of Informatics, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indo Global Mandiri

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