Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Kacang Edamame Oleh Konsumen Rumah Tangga Pada Pasar Swalayan
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Edamame is a food product which has a big potential to be developed and marketable, as it is good in terms of taste and nutrition. Several hypermarkets nowadays sell edamame. Therefore, it requires the understanding of what marketing mix affects consumer's purchasing decision towards edamame. This research aimed to find: 1) Consumer’s perception of edamame's marketing mix at hypermarkets in East Jakarta, 2) To Evaluate consumer’s purchasing decision of edamame at hypermarkets in East Jakarta, 3) The influence of edamame's marketing mix affecting consumer’s purchasing decision, 4) The largest influence of edamame's marketing mix which effects consumer’s purchasing decision. The method of this research used survey method and the sampling method used was the non-probability sampling method with accidental sampling technique. A total of 100 respondents were calculated using the linear time function formula. The location of this research was chosen purposively i.e., 4 hypermarkets located in East Jakarta. The method of this research is descriptive analysis and path analysis. The results showed that: 1) Edamame’s marketing mix have good performance according to the continuum line, 2) Consumer’s purchasing decision of edamame have good performance according to the continuum line, 3) The marketing mix simultaneously significantly influenced consumer’s purchasing decision of edamame, 4) The promotion variable (X4) gives the biggest influence towards consumer’s purchasing decision of edamame. The implication of this research is to increase activities of promotions of edamame.
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